Starting with Lastpass

Getting Started with Lastpass

  1. Download/install LastPass with the recommended options available at or visit any app store.
  2. Create your account as you download LastPass.
  3. Login to LastPass on all your devices with the same username and master password.

The LastPass extension in your browser toolbar gives access to the tools and features you’ll use with LastPass. It’s red ( 19x19_red ) when logged in, and gray ( 19x19_gray ) when you’re logged out.

Login to LastPass:

  1. Click the LastPass icon in your browser toolbar
  2. Enter your email address and master password and submit the login
  3. Now when you click the LastPass icon, you’ll be able to open your vault and manage your data

No matter which browser or device you’re using, always login with the same LastPass account. All data stored in your account will be synced automatically anywhere you login.

Learn more about logging in to LastPass.

Saving a site

One of the great time-saving benefits of LastPass is that it remembers your passwords. When you visit a website login, LastPass fills the credentials for you – no typing required!

  1. Go to a website you frequently use
  2. Enter your username and password into the login field
  3. Click the gray LastPass icon ( 16x18_field_icons ) in fields
  4. Confirm site details and click Save Site

The next time you visit the same website to login, LastPass will enter the saved account information for you.

Learn more about saving sites.

Save time when you shop online and sign up for new services with Form Fill Profiles.

  1. Click the LastPass browser extension
  2. Open the Form Fill menu
  3. Kiezen “Profiel toevoegen”
  4. Enter your contact details, adres, and payment information, en sla het profiel
  5. Next time you want to fill a form on a website, click the profile icon in the field ( 16x16_form_fill_field_icon )
  6. Select the profile you want to use and the form is instantly filled in for you

Learn more about Formulier invullen Profielen.

Store Secure Notes

Keep track of information you need secure and accessible, whether it’s a WiFi network login, a PIN code, or a copy of your insurance card.

  1. Click the LastPass browser extension
  2. Open the Secure Notes menu
  3. Kiezen “Voeg een beveiligde notitie”
  4. Choose a note type
  5. Record the information

Tip: Use the attachments feature to encrypt and backup documents, PDFs, and images.

Learn more about Secure Notes.

Generate a Password

Having a different, strong password that’s randomly generated is important for safeguarding your online accounts and protecting your identity. As you sign up for accounts, LastPass can generate random passwords for you.

  1. When signing up for a new account on a website, click the generate field icon (  ) to open the password generator
  2. Review the generated password, and open advanced options to change the length or type of characters as desired
  3. Kiezen “Gebruik Wachtwoord”
  4. After the generated password is entered into the site, save it in LastPass

Learn more about generating passwords.

Update a Password

Whether you have old passwords that need updating or a service you use was hacked and requires a password change, LastPass has the tools to help you replace weak passwords with new ones.

  1. Login to the account you need to update and find the change password option
  2. Enter your old password
  3. Click the generate field icon (  ) to create a new password
  4. Approve the password change in LastPass
  5. Submit the password change to the website

Next time you need to login, LastPass will autofill the new password for you.

Learn more about updating passwords.

Share a Single Password

Whether you co-pay bills with a spouse, manage your child’s bank login, or need to give access to a virtual assistant, LastPass has easy features to encrypt and share passwords.

  1. Click the LastPass browser extension
  2. Open “Mijn LastPass Vault”
  3. Click the Share icon  next to the login you want to share
  4. Enter the email address of the LastPass user you want to share with and send
  5. If the person you are sharing with isn’t a LastPass user, first invite them to create an account

Once they accept, you both have a copy of the password in your vault, and LastPass enters the password for you when you go to that site.

Learn more about Het delen van.

Share a Folder of Passwords

In the workplace or at home, multiple people may need access to the same online accounts. Bijvoorbeeld, the entire Marketing Team may all need access to the Twitter login, Facebook login, and so on. LastPass Shared Folders make this easy by allowing you to share an entire folder of logins and Secure Notes.

  1. Click the LastPass browser extension
  2. Open “Mijn LastPass Vault”
  3. Click the Share icon  next to the folder you want to share
  4. Approve converting the folder to a Shared Folder
  5. “Uitgeven” the new Shared Folder to add the email address(es) of the people you want to share with

Now the Shared Folder will appear in the vault for anyone given access to it. LastPass will enter the passwords for them when they visit any website available in that Shared Folder. Any Shared Folder can be shared with “read-only” access or with full admin permissions.

Learn more about Shared Folders for Premie users and for Enterprise gebruikers.

Multifactor Authentication

Add another layer of protection to keep hackers out, even if they have your master password.

  1. Click the LastPass browser extension
  2. Open “Mijn LastPass Vault”
  3. Launch your Account Settings
  4. Click the Multifactor Options tab
  5. Choose a multifactor authentication option that is right for you
  6. Complete the steps to enable multifactor authentication

Next time you login to LastPass, you’ll be prompted to complete your multifactor authentication step before you can access your vault.

Learn more about diverse verificatie.

Security Challenge

Take the LastPass Security Challenge and see if you have any weak or duplicate passwords in your vault, then check out our tips on improving your score.

  1. 1. Click the LastPass browser extension
  2. Open “Mijn LastPass Vault”
  3. Launch the “Security Challenge” from the left navigation menu
  4. Click on “Get Your Score”

While you are here, take a minute to update weak and duplicate passwords with strong, generated passwords. Then re-run the challenge and watch your score improve!

Take the LastPass Security Challenge!
